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Services- Labor Support

Labor Support

Consists of..

  • Two in-person prenatal visits– This will be our time to get to know each other before delivery and get you set up to welcome your baby feeling confident and empowered. we will have 1-2 hours together, per visit, to create your birth preferences, going over comfort measures, ease birthing anxieties, discus how you’re coping with pregnancy, & any and everything else that might be on your mind.
  • Continuous phone and email support- For questions, information and pregnancy updates.
  • On call care, starting at 38 weeks.
  • Comprehensive labor support The meat and potatoes of doula care; Your big day. Hands on support for you and your family as you bring life into the world.
  • One postpartum visit– I believe postpartum is a sacred space that needs to be protected, but it can feel lonely if a mother doesn’t have the much needed support. I will sit with you in your postpartum space, asking nothing from you, only offering a listening ear hearing how you’re coping with your newborn and processing, verbally, your birthing experience.
  • A nourishing postpartum gift– Let me bless you and your belly with something warm to nourish you while you are healing. (We will talk preferences & allergies beforehand during the prenatal visit.)